Friday, February 7, 2014

Cupids Arrow

I am having a change of heart for my singing time plan this week! I was talking over my GPS plan with my hubby and he asked why I wasn't going with a Valentine theme. I decided to save my GPS activity for next week and go with the flow! I will play my DVD and have the kids sing through He Sent his Son and I will Follow Gods plan to get it in their heads for next week and then we will do a Cupids Arrow singing time activity.

This is a simple one for those needing something fast and easy. All you need are some heart cut outs and a toy bow and arrow. My son had an arrow from the Dollar tree so I will use his and I had some foam hearts from there as well! Love, Love, Love that place.

This one is very simple. I will make a line with masking tape. I will use my choosing sticks to pick kiddo's to come up and take their turn. They will stand on the line and shoot a heart. Each heart has a song on the back. Easy, Peasy! Just what I need for this week! I think I may throw in my singing time dice to spice it up a bit and whoolah, done! 
I will be doing salt dough cookie time with the nursery kids this week. I am currently painting my cookie sheet for that one. I will post pics later this afternoon if you want to take a peek. Thank you for stopping by and Happy Singing this week!!

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